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Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
creation_datedatetimeThe datetime this objects was created
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_NMATCH_MINintMinimum of the median number of matches for all input images
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_NOMATCHintNumber of input images that do not have any matches with other images
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_OFFSET_DEC_MAXfloat[arcsec] DEC maximum offset.
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_OFFSET_DEC_MEANfloat[arcsec] DEC mean offset.
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_OFFSET_DEC_MINfloat[arcsec] DEC minimum offset.
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_OFFSET_DEC_STDEVfloat[arcsec] Standard deviation of DEC offsets.
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_OFFSET_RA_MAXfloat[arcsec] RA maximum offset.
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_OFFSET_RA_MEANfloat[arcsec] RA mean offset.
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_OFFSET_RA_MINfloat[arcsec] RA minimum offset.
ESO_QC_EXPALIGN_OFFSET_RA_STDEVfloat[arcsec] Standard deviation of RA offsets.
object_idoidtypeThe object identifier

The object identifier is an attribute shared by all persistent
instances. It is the prime key, by which object identity is established
parameterizedQCpar_OFFSET_LISTLink to the list of parameterized QC attributes

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